Patch 5.4 on Mistblade 2! Published 8 months ago

Welcome, Stormforge!

The time has come to finally announce the last chapter in the timeline of the second season of Mistblade - Siege of Orgrimmar is right around the corner. The last big content patch 5.4 will arrive on our MoP realm on the 14th of August and it will bring several updates and events.

Siege of Orgrimmar


A full-scale assault on the orcish capital has finally begun as the culmination of the Alliance-Horde war that started years prior. It’s a conclusion to Garrosh Hellscream’s actions, as the infamous Warchief prepared to make the final stand against his enemies. Unbeknown to his pact with the Old God Y’shaarj, coalition forces of both Alliance and former Horde factions pushed loyalist forces to the gates of Orgrimmar itself.

We’ve been watching players’ struggles against buffed Throne of Thunder raid and we concluded that at this phase it’s pointless to boost SoO difficulty. The raid on all difficulties is going to stay as it is, without any further changes in encounters.

Siege of Orgrimmar will be initially released on the 14th of August, at 18:00 PM Server Time, with 2 difficulties:

  • Raid-Normal
  • Raid-Flex: Vale of Eternal Retribution.

Heroic version will be released a week later, along with the first wing of Raid-Finder.

Timeless Isle


Yet another Pandaria sub-zone has been shrouded by the mists for thousands of years, who would’ve guessed? But this one is different, the time has no meaning and there is no sunset or sunrise, therefore it became a great interest of Bronze Dragonflight, Pandaren explorers, and the black dragon Wrathion, being the last chapter in players’ road to get their legendary cloak.

Timeless Isle is a place filled with quests, puzzles, and mini-bosses that will grant players a special currency in order to get fluid rewards. Among the latter of powerful World Bosses stands Ordos and the four August Celestials looking for adventurers brave enough to test their mettle.

Arena Season 14


14th of August will be the day of the Season 13 finale, all rated games will be locked at 18:00 PM Server Time. After that, a week offseason will take place and during that time we’ll determine the top ladder of brackets and players eligible for the rewards.

Arena Season 14 shall begin a week later, along with the Heroic difficulty of the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Conqueror’s Challenge


Grievous Arena Season will be the beginning of a new, cyclical event for Mistblade PvP enjoyers. Conqueror’s Challenge is its name and we plan to develop it even further for our future realms.

The rules are quite simple - every Friday, at 18:00 PM Server Time, the server will announce the start of the Conqueror’s Challenge. At this moment, the counter starts calculating all BG and Arena Honor Kills and stores them separately until next Friday. Then, at 17:00 PM Server Time, the counter stops and we announce the top three winners of both Arena and Battleground challenges. Counter resets, and they will be holding titles of Grand Marshall/High Warlord for the next week, until the next cycle.

There will be a command for players to use, so they can check their current progress and the ladder of this event will be available on the Stormforge Logs page. We’ll be thinking about putting some additional rewards into the event itself. More details will appear after we finish the last tests of the Conqueror’s Challenge.


The Great Merge


The last phase of content on Mistblade Season 2 means that we must fulfill our promise and process the Operation: Great Merge. We are aware that many players are waiting for their MB1 characters to finally arrive on MB2 - our team has finally begun the preparations.

There is no precise ETA for that, we want to choose the right moment so the progress of 5.4 content for both PvErs and PvPers will not be thrown off balance. It also requires solid preparations for this huge amount of data to be proceeded without any issues. We’ll keep you updated.

That would be all for now. As always, we are grateful for your feedback and all your suggestions - thank you. On August the 14th grab your friends, get your gear, and put an end to Hellscream’s tyranny.

See you on Mistblade!