Let the Siege begin! Опубликовано 2 года назад

We're excited to announce that the last phase of content shall arrive on Mistblade in just a week from now, on February the 8th, at 7:00 PM Server Time.

To commemorate this occasion, the entire store will be 20% OFF and Some items will be up even to 40% OFF!

Let's take a quick peek on what is about to be released next Wednesday.

Siege of Orgrimmar:

We are the Orcish Horde, the True Horde. We die, bloody and thrashing on the field of battle, like true orcs SHOULD.
~Garrosh Hellscream

The final confrontation against Hellscream and those corrupted by his ambition has finally begun. Surrounded by his loyal Kor'Kron and advanced weaponry, the Warchief fears nothing. Adventurers shall have the opportunity to fight their way through Vale of Eternal Sorrows on Raid-Flex difficulty and enter the Normal version of Siege of Orgrimmar.

Heroic Mode along with Raid Finder version of SoO will be released after a week.

Timeless Isle

A mysterious island, lost for millennia to the currents of time, has emerged from the mists off the eastern coast of Jade Forest.

Timeless Isle will be available to players as a new zone for both Factions, filled with Rare creatures, treasure chests, pet battles, 5 new World Bosses and much more.

Advanced pet-battlers will also be able to test their skills in Celestial Tournament.


February the 8th shall be the end of the long Arena Season 13.

Season 14 is going to be launched a week after on February 15th.

Note that Conquest Points shall be reset and converted to Honor or Gold, depending on player's cap. Valor Points WILL NOT reset.

Enjoy the last content phase on Mistblade!