Let the Siege begin! Опубликовано 1 год назад
We're excited to announce that the last phase of content shall arrive on Mistblade in just a week from now, on February the 8th, at 7:00 PM Server Time. Подробнее
Merry Christmas ! Опубликовано 1 год назад
Feast of Winter Veil is in full swing now on Mistblade, spreading holiday cheer around the Azeroth. Подробнее
Karazhan Transfers & the first Mistblade Tournament Опубликовано 1 год назад
Greetings, adventurers of Northrend and Pandaria! We have several exciting announcements for you today! Подробнее
Fordring Tier 7 and Season 5 release Опубликовано 1 год назад
We'd like to remind everyone that Tier 7 and Arena Season 5 will officially launch on Wednesday, 15th of June. The gates of Vault of Archavon, Obsidian Sanctum and PvP Arenas around Azeroth will open at 18:00 CEST while Naxxramas and Eye of Eternity will become available an hour later, at 19:00 CEST. Подробнее
Fording Realm Details Опубликовано 1 год назад
As the release date is fast approaching, we would like to provide an update regarding our upcoming Fording realm! Подробнее