Updates, updates, updates! Опубликовано 2 года назад







I. PvP Improvements.

For last few weeks we've been collecting feedback regarding PvP gameplay on Mistblade and how it should be improved. We've identified the crucial issues and are working on implementing solutions as soon as we can. Here's a list of changes we're hoping to make with some of them still being ironed out in a closed testing environment:


1. Resilience values increased back to 65%.

With more gear being available to players which solves the early issues the players encountered near launch, we are confident in bringing the base resilience value back to the intended 65% for a more balanced gameplay.
Additionally - we've increased Battle Fatigue value to 40% so heals will not be that much overpowered anymore.


2. Conquest Points Catch-up.

A lot of players have been voicing their concerns regarding catching up to other PvP players so we're happy to fulfill your requests – Conquest Point Catch-up system is now ACTIVE, with 12.01.22 (Season's start) as the starting date, so every player that was unable to get capped now have an opportunity to get his character geared and ready to compete!


3. Weekly 3v3 quest.

We have prepared a special weekly quest (separate for Horde and Alliance), offering exotic rewards for winning 10 arena matches in the 3v3 bracket. Completing this challenge will reward players with a certain amount of Conquest Points, gold and a special chest filled with toys, pets, transmogs and even mounts!


4. SoloQ 3v3 Arenas.

We are replacing the 5v5 bracket with a 3v3 Solo Queue. We hope this will encourage more players to try this bracket and offer a refreshing change of pace.


5. Special Events.

Another thing we are currently working on is a variety of special PvP events, such as simple Honor Weekends, Tournaments and even more custom challenges to keep you entertained and encourage more players to participate!


II. Landfall - 5.1 content Patch.

There are only few weeks left for Mistblade to enter the second phase of Mists of Pandaria content. Here you have some of updates:

  • Pandaren Conflict's beginning;
  • Item Level Upgrades;
  • Legendary Quest follow-up;
  • Brawler's Guild;
  • Grand Commendations available at Revered reputation;
  • More Daily Quests.


III. Store and Coin Market.

Few days ago we've introduced you a new feature on our website allowing you to trade gold for Stormforge Coins with other players. We believe it'll reduce numbers of gold sellers and bots on Mistblade and prevent players from getting scammed by unsafe transactions.

Coin Market, despite few people's opinions, does not affect server's economy in negative way - entire gold put on auctions is farmed by our players so you do not have to worry about how it affects on prizes.

Along with Coin Market, we extended our Store's offer by adding Faction Change from the Alliance to the Horde and Instant 90 Level Boost. Therefore, potential new players can start their adventure in Pandaria without losing time on leveling.


IV. Armory.

Our Staff is fully aware that huge part of our community would like to see Armory feature on our website. Our Developer is currently working on a system allowing us to implement it along with Arena Leaderboards not only for Mistblade but for entire Stormforge brand. It means that you will be able to smoothly check out characters on every realm we release.


V. Karazhan.

We do not forget about our TBC realm and its' players. Hence, we are currently preparing ourselves to move entire Karazhan under Stormforge flag. Within few next weeks we'll give you an opportunity to connect your Atlantiss account with the one created on Stormforge, which basically means that you will be using just one account for all our realms. Our current website serving as a host for Karazhan will be slowly shut down.

We'll create a complex description of the entire operation within few days to make the procedure as simple as possible.