Mistblade vol.2 Announcement Опубликовано 1 год назад
Mistblade. Our first child, the very beginning of Stormforge itself. After almost 2 years, the progression of our MoP realm has finally come to an end. We’ve been watching your struggles against the most dangerous foes in Pandaria, including minions of Lei Shen, spawns of the Old God Y’shaarj, and even your own comrades. Подробнее
Netherwing Development Update Опубликовано 1 год назад
Welcome to the first development update for the 2023 edition of our TBC realm Netherwing! Here we’ll talk a bit about what we’ve been working on in the past few months and what our current development plans are. Подробнее
Netherwing - End of Season 2 Опубликовано 1 год назад
Arena Season 2 on Netherwing will end at 06:00 PM (GMT+2) on the 4th of October. This is when a snapshot of arena teams and personal ratings will happen too. Rewards will be distributed with a short delay. Подробнее
Stormforge Summer Update Опубликовано 1 год назад
Today we'd like to talk about a few essential things, such as the future of Mistblade, the current state of Legion development, new TBC client, and a massive update of our website. Подробнее
Netherwing - End of Season 1 Опубликовано 1 год назад
Arena Season 1 on Netherwing will end at 10:00 PM (GMT+2) on the 21st of June. This is when a snapshot of arena teams and players ratings will happen too. Подробнее